Multimeters provide users with a wide set of metering functions for many electrical and electronic testing, in a compact form. Common multimeter test functions inlcude:AC and DC Voltage.AC and DC CurrentContinuity (with Buzzer), Ressitance, Diodes.Capacitance.Some of our meters will come with or have optional add-ons like:Clamp Meter – for testing AC or DC current and more by simply clamping the sensor around the shieded wire.K-type Theremocouple – for taking temprature measurements.Additonally, we have some multimeters with varied and additional functions, including:aFrequency Hz and HarmonicsRCD Testing and MeasurementGround, lopp, Earth TestingInrush Current TestingInsulation TestingIn reviewing and Multimeter market we have selected the best and most functional multimeters for you to choose from. We have eliminated low quality meters, those with lesser built in safeguards, and poor quality manufacturers.With this research done, and the results below, we hope to save you many hours of effort and help you buy your next miltimeter with more features, and get much better value for money.Key selection criteria and rationale: Safety – paramount criteria. Only quality and reputable devices are included here, lesser quality items, regardless of feature set, have been eliminated.Functionality – A superior feature set is ideal. In many cases one device incorporating key functions from what would normally be found in multiple devices may cater to your needs better. Sometimes some of these extra functions may not be used at first, but there may be a time when one or more extra functions are relied upon and fully appreciated.Cheap vs Value – With points 1 and 2 in mind, expect to pay more for quality, inbuilt safety features, and highly functional devices: but also expect high value return on investment from these devices.Independent reviews – highly important, especially when buying over the internet. We have linked each device to review or demosntrations by respected internet reviewers and demosntrators, to assist you make your purchasing decisions.

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