Centrotec Other cons.
FESTOOL CENTROTEC 5 mm Countersink Bit with Depth Stop [BSTA HS D5 CE] [496451]
Centrotec Other cons.
FESTOOL CENTROTEC 4.5mm Countersink Bit with Depth Stop [BSTA HS D4.5 CE] [492524]
Centrotec Other cons.
FESTOOL CENTROTEC 3.5mm Countersink Bit with Depth Stop [BSTA HS D3.5 CE] [492523]
Centrotec Other cons.
FESTOOL CENTROTEC 5 – 15mm Deburring Countersink Bit [QLS D5 to D15 CE] [492521]
Centrotec Other cons.
FESTOOL CENTROTEC 3/8 inch x 70mm Socket Adapter [3/8 inch x 70mm CE KG Centrotec] [495133]
Centrotec Other cons.
FESTOOL CENTROTEC 2 – 8mm Deburring Countersink Bit [QLS D2 to D8 CE] [492520]
Centrotec Other cons.
Centrotec Other cons.
FESTOOL CENTROTEC 1/4 inch x 50mm Socket Adapter [1/4 inch x 50mm CE KG Centrotec] [495131]
Centrotec Other cons.
Centrotec Other cons.
FESTOOL CENTROTEC Adapter for Drills [BA-CE Centrotec] [496450]
Centrotec Other cons.
FESTOOL CENTROTEC 18 mm Hook Driver Bit [HD D18 CE] [492526]